Diversity in STEM

Fulfilling a Dream of Studying Science

At 16, Alex Vargas made a split-second decision that changed the course of his life.

Growing up in Juarez, Mexico, Vargas was already thinking about university when he was a middle schooler with a passion for math and science. But he never imagined he’d actually get to attend an American university, let alone study for a doctoral degree in biomedical engineering at a school like UC Davis.

UC Davis BME Community Comes Together to Create Health, Equity and Wellness Committee

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd in the Spring of 2020 and the national attention on the severe problems that remain regarding anti-black racism in the U.S., the department of biomedical engineering came together to form the Health, Equity and Wellness (HEW) committee to address some of the practices and policies in their community that support a given culture.

Faculty Spotlight: Jamal S. Lewis

Jamal S. Lewis is an assistant professor in the biomedical engineering department. His lab (https://www.ucdavislewislab.com/) focuses on the development of biomaterial systems that can manipulate the immune system. The group plans to design the next generation of immunotherapeutics for applications in immune-related diseases. This multidisciplinary work incorporates aspects of biomaterials engineering, drug delivery and immunology. We recently sat down with him to catch up on some of his latest achievements and his thoughts on being Black in BME.