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Molecular Imaging Scientist Recognized as One of the Top Biomedical Engineers in the US

UC Davis professor of biomedical engineering and hematology/oncology Julie Sutcliffe has been elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows.

Julie Sutcliffe with safety glasses and lab coat
Julie Sutcliffe, UC Davis professor of biomedical engineering and hematology/oncology

Sutcliffe was elected by members of the College of Fellows for her outstanding leadership in molecular imaging and translational sciences, and for leading technology from the bench to the clinic.

“I’m deeply grateful to the College of Fellows for the recognition and to be welcomed into such a distinguished class of peers,” said Sutcliffe. “I would like to thank my UC Davis colleague Alyssa Panitch, professor of biomedical engineering, for her kind nomination. “

Sutcliffe is the leader of a multidisciplinary translational research team that is recognized nationally for its contributions to the field of molecular imaging. She is the principal investigator of three active clinical trials, the principal investigator of the UC Davis U01 Pancreatic Cancer Detection Consortium and the leader of the UC Davis Lustgarten Foundation and StandupToCancer Pancreatic Cancer Collective Research team. She is the immediate past-president of the World Molecular Imaging Society.

The College of Fellows is comprised of the top 2% of medical and biological engineers in the country and are regularly recognized for their contributions in teaching, research, and innovation. 

A formal induction ceremony will be held during the AIMBE Virtual Annual Event on March 26. Sutcliffe will be inducted along with 174 colleagues who make up the AIMBE Fellow Class of 2021. 

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